6 month stats:
Weight: 18.5 lbs
Height: 27 inches
Milestones: Sitting up! We still have to watch him pretty closely if he's not on a soft surface, but he's well on his way! Rolling over - he first rolled over from his stomach to his back when he was 3 months old but he really isn't that interested in rolling over - he loves to roll on his side and just hang out there. He has rolled from his back to his stomach a couple of times in the past month but again, doesn't seem too interested :)
One thing that I can't WAIT for is to hear him laugh. He smiles all of the time now but hasn't laughed yet. The doctor said it may just be his personality but I can't wait for it.
Diet: He eats every 3 1/2 to 4 hours now - trying to get him more on the 4 hour schedule. Some days it works, some days it doesn't. We just started solids on his 6 month birthday so he gets a couple of tablespoons of either butternut squash, avocados, carrots or bananas once or twice a day. I'm still nursing - trying to do it for as long as I can. It's so much easier now that he eats 4 times a day. I recently dropped his 10pm feeding when I started him on solids and he doesn't seem to miss it!
Teeth: None yet but he has GOT to be getting them soon. He's drooling constantly and always wanting to bite anything in sight.
Sleep: We put him down at 7pm and he sleeps til usually 6:30-7am. He did not always do this - it was probably around 4 months that he would consistently sleep that long. There was a while that we couldn't seem to get past 5/5:30am. Let me just say that this did not just "happen". I worked really hard to get him to sleep 12 hours. I took parts of Babywise and started sleep training him around 3 months. There was a couple of rough nights but it really didn't take that long until he just stopped waking up. I also did the "dreamfeed" at 10pm - meaning I would go in and pick him up while he was asleep with the lights off and feed him and then put him right back down. I wouldn't change him or talk to him. This helped him make it until morning but he still got the right amount of sleep. I got that advice from friends and blogs. It really helped a lot. Now naps, those are a whole different story. I can't for the life of me get this child on a nap schedule. He's pretty consistent with the morning nap - he'll usually sleep 1 1/2 - 2 hours but after that it's just hit or miss - sometimes it's 30 minutes sometimes its 1 1/2 hours. I feel like I've tried everything but he just fights it. I really can't complain when he sleeps so well at night but he just gets so over tired during the day. Hopefully he'll consolidate naps soon and that will make it better.
They did find a heart murmur at his 6 month check up so we have an appointment on Monday with a pediatric cardiologist. We are praying that it will just resolve on it's own!
I know I will probably say this at every stage but 6 months is definitely my favorite age so far. He's just getting so fun. He reaches out for me now and lights up when Mark or I walk in the room. I just melt. He loves to jump and stand. He does not want to lay down. He wants us to hold his hands and let him stand. I have a feeling he will be high-energy like his father :)
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!