I feel really old when I say this because I remember growing up and "older" people always saying this, but time really starts to fly by. I can't believe summer is over and my sweet little baby is almost 10 months old. Time has really started to get away from me. With working part-time, chasing after my little monkey, trying to sell our house, volunteering at church, small group, and just trying to keep up with life I feel like there just isn't enough time in the day. I really have had to sit down and prioritize my time so that I make sure I'm focusing on what's most important. It's so easy to just live life without any purpose, to just do the day to day and really not be intentional about anything. I want my life to count. I don't want to just live the "american dream" and really have nothing else to show for my life. Our small group has been doing a study called "Follow Me" by David Platt. It is intense but so good. It talks about as Christians we are disciples of Jesus - yes we know that, but are we just living life or are we following hard after Jesus? This study has been so good for me. It has really convicted me and I have needed this to show me how I get so focused on being a mom, working, being a good wife (which aren't bad things!) but forgetting about what my life's purpose is - to be a disciple of Jesus. I thought I was busy before I had a child and wow - I was wrong. I literally have to fit cleaning, cooking, laundry, time to my self, time with Jesus and anything else for that day in two nap-time slots. Soon that will be one nap-time slot. At some point there will be more kids and there probably will be no naps that coincide :) I just realized that I have to choose what's most important. I'm not going to lie, there are many times I am so selfish with my time and I want to just sit and watch mindless TV. Not that that's always bad but when I think about the amount of time I have I get frustrated with myself that I waste it. I don't want to waste my life. I wish I could say I have it figured out and I'm disciplined enough to make good decisions with my time every day but I don't. All I know is that this life is not about me. I don't want to wake up in 15 years and really have no idea what I've done that's of any importance.
So..I don't really have any tips or cute pictures on this post but it helps me to be able to write out my frustrations and my hopes for my life. My prayer journal that I've been keeping since high school is far too personal, but this is a way I can share what my struggles are and also be a reminder of what I was learning at this stage in my life. I hope it's an encouragement to some of you as well :)
Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. " John 6:35