Monday, August 12, 2013

Bryce - 9 months

I don't know when my newborn got to be 9 months, but he did. In a span of about 2 weeks he changed drastically. He was literally doing something new every day. It's so fun to watch. We had his check-up this morning and that boy is such a ham when people (usually girls) walk in to the room. He has had some stranger anxiety but it seems to be getting better. He used to burst into tears if any male would walk in the room that he didn't know.

Height: 29 inches
Weight: 21 lbs. 1 oz.
Milestones: Crawling, pulling up (on e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g), he now says "mama" and "baba" but I don't think he associates "mama" to just me. Sometimes when he wants me he says it but he also says it when he's just playing and babbling. He can stand on his own for a couple of seconds and always wants us to hold his hands so he can walk. Let me just say that when babies become mobile it is a game changer. I literally have to watch him every second. I'm trying to teach him things that are off-limits, obviously he doesn't get that really yet but I want to start early. He no longer wants to jump in his exersaucer, he only wants to crawl around and explore. I love watching him learn new things but it's also exhausting. I look forward to nap time wayyy more than I ever have before! I try to cram in cleaning, dinner prep, eating, and whatever else in to those couple of hours. It's kind of a hard stage because he can get hurt so easily. I wish I could just put him down and let him roam and play but he will hurt himself quickly. I find that I run out of things to do with him. Any suggestions are welcomed!!
Diet: I'm still nursing 4 times a day and he gets solids 3 times a day. I'm starting to give him bigger chunks of food so sometimes he's not too keen on that idea. I'm going to start "table food" now that he's 9 months. I'm excited to give him new things. Right now I rotate zucchini, squash, sweet potatoes, avocados, apples, blueberries and bananas. I also give him oatmeal with breakfast and dinner.
Teeth: Finally! He has two! The dental hygienist in me is so excited to get to brush his teeth :) He was for sure crankier than normal when they were coming in and had a hard time going to sleep at night. I gave him tylenol and teething toys which seemed to help some but I could tell he was just uncomfortable.
Sleep: Still 7p-7a - so thankful for that!! He is pretty consistent with naps now. For a while it was hard to get him on a consistent napping schedule. Now he sleeps for about an hour and a half in the morning, an hour and fifteen or so in the afternoon and sometimes a quick cat nap in the late afternoon.

And yes, I am that mom that is already thinking/planning for his first birthday :)