I guess I could have written things in other posts that are controversial and not really know it but this one I KNOW is controversial. However, I want to share what worked for our family and the pro's and con's along the way. You can stop reading at any point :)
I read A LOT before I had Bryce. I read almost every baby book out there. I am very much a planner and I like to know what's coming next. I will have to say, though, that I didn't remember hardly anything from those books after I gave birth. I had to re-read, and re-read. A lot of it just doesn't make sense until you are in the situation. I would read something over again and think "oh, I get it now."
Let me start by saying that there is so much out there. Literally every topic you want to learn about when it comes to babies there are about 20 opinions. It is overwhelming. I cried. Multiple times. At some point you really have to stop researching. I was the worst - Mark will tell you. Any time something went wrong (or so I thought) with Bryce - I would research until I found an answer or something to try. It almost drove me crazy. I do wish I would have just relaxed and enjoyed the time when he was a tiny baby - but I think that's easy to say now. With the second one hopefully I won't be as nervous and crazy!
I read Babywise, Baby Whisperer, Happiest Baby on the Block and many many more. I took tips from each book and did what worked for us. I think that's important. I know there are many people out there that gasp when they hear the word Babywise. To each his own. Everyone has a different opinion, and guess what? That's ok. It's YOUR baby! I just knew that with my personality I wanted to have some sort of schedule. I knew I would be going back to work part-time and I wanted to somewhat have him on a routine. I also knew that I did not do well without sleep. I knew there would be a period of time where I would be sleep deprived but I was determined to get him on good sleeping schedule. I know some people don't agree with that and that's fine! I also know that all babies are different. Some respond well to "sleep training" while others don't. I know my next baby probably won't be as easy as Bryce was.
I'll start with what worked for us and then go back over the negatives of the experience. I really had heard a lot of negativity about Babywise but I wanted to read for myself. I was pleasantly surprised. I think a lot of things are twisted in the book that make it seem very cold and unloving towards your baby. It is not either of those things! It never says to not feed your baby if they are hungry (which I heard) and it never says to let your baby cry for hours on end in order to get them to sleep through the night. It gives you a very basic routine - eat/play/sleep in order for your baby to learn to fall asleep (and stay asleep!) on their own. That is key. Think about it, if your baby has to be rocked to sleep (for example) every time they go down, if they wake up in the middle of the night they don't know how to soothe themselves and go back to sleep, so they cry for you. Now let me say, it's hard to differentiate between a baby crying out of habit and a baby crying out of a need. In the beginning, I went in every time he cried to make sure he was ok or to feed him. The key for me to figuring out when to start "sleep training" was after he had slept for about 7 hours on his own without eating. I knew he could do it. My prediatrician also told me once he was about 10 pounds he did not need to eat every 3-4 hours at night, he could go longer. Granted, Bryce gave me a 5 hour stretch at night the first week we were home - don't get too excited, that happened once and then he went back to waking up every 3-4 hours. He was about 3 months old when I really started sleep training. I would put him down at bedtime - bath, nurse, swaddle - put him in the crib awake and let him fall asleep. It was not always easy. He did not just magically sleep through the night - it took work. He would usually sleep for a good 4-5 hours and then wake up. When he would wake up I would wait 5 minutes before going in. Sometimes he would go right back to sleep, other times he wouldn't. My rule was 15 minutes. If he cried for 15 minutes I determined he was hungry. I would go in and feed him with the lights off and put him right back down. Around 4 months he started sleeping 7pm to 7am. It was not perfect, there was a time where he would wake up at 5:30am and I'd go in and feed him just a little and put him right back down to get him to sleep til 7. Then I had to let him fuss a little at 5:30 and let him fall back asleep. It was hard. I'm not going to lie. I second guessed myself a lot. It was totally worth it though. He sleeps well still but there are always things that can happen, teething, sickness, learning new skills, etc. Like I said, I know all babies are different and my next one may not respond as well. However, the eat/play/sleep routine just makes sense to me. Babywise explains that it helps stabilize their metabolism by feeding every 3 hours. The key is making sure they get a FULL FEEDING (if you are breastfeeding). This was hard. He was so sleepy. He would want to eat for 10 minutes then nod off. I had to keep waking him up. I would sit there and just cry because I was so tired and just wanted to sleep (like he was!!) but I knew if he only ate for 10 minutes he would be hungry again in about an hour or so. My goal was 15 minutes of nursing on each side. Then keep him awake for a little and let him fall asleep on his own. I made a lot of mistakes. I remember I tried to keep him up for wayyy to long in hopes he would sleep longer - that totally backfired. Sleep begets sleep. If they are overtired they have a hard time settling down. It makes no sense but it's true. The more tired they are, the harder for them to go to sleep. Also, there were definitely times he was hungry prior to the 3 hour mark, so I fed him. They go through so many growth spurts - sometimes it's hard to keep up! They eventually get what they need and go back to the 3 hour routine. I probably was too rigid about that in the beginning. I did not want to feed him unless it had been 3 hours, I should have just relaxed. Breastfeeding takes so much out of you mentally and physically, at least it did me. I felt like all I did was feed that child. I takes so long for them to eat and then by the time they are changed and you get something to eat it's time to feed again. It's exhausting! It gets much easier though I promise. Now it only takes about 10 minutes for him to nurse. Now we have the opposite problem, he wants to see what's going on! What was that noise? Where's Dad? He can't sit still for 10 minutes to eat :)
The negatives were I always compared my baby to what Babywise said. If he wasn't doing what the book said I was frustrated and thought I was doing something wrong. You have to remember every baby is different and you have to use some of that God-given mother's intuition - you know your baby better than anyone else (even though sometimes you feel like you have no clue what's going on!). Don't get frustrated if it doesn't always go as planned, because it won't. Let him or her fall asleep on you sometimes, let them sleep in the car, just not every time. I had to get out with Byce the first few weeks, I felt like I was going to go crazy. Mom and I would walk around the mall for hours 2 or 3 times a week sometimes! Bryce would sleep in the stroller. That was a lifesaver for me! You just have to survive those first few months. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, I definitely did. Also, another side note, the Lord totally gave me the strength to get through those weeks of sleep deprivation. I was terrified I would be a nightmare without sleep. I'm sure I wasn't the most fun to be around but I feel like I adjusted better than I thought I would. Make sure you take time for yourself -I was so lucky to have family and friends that would come watch him while I took a nap or just ran to Target for an hour. You have to get away for a little bit. You will go insane. One of my good friends gave me a gift certificate for a massage and I used it when Bryce was about a month old while my mother in law watched him, that was the best gift I could have ever asked for. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't try to do it all. Give yourself a mental break by reading something that is NOT baby related. I made that mistake. All I did while he was sleeping was try to read some blog about how to do things better. I was so crazy!
If you're still reading I'm sorry this post is so long! My thoughts are random probably because the first few months are all a blur, but I hope this made some sort of sense.
Here are some of Bryce's latest pictures - almost 9 months old!!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Top 10 Baby Essentials
In my opinion of course..
These are outside the "normal" baby stuff like a Pack 'N Play, stroller, high chair, etc. There are so many things out there it can be so overwhelming. In the end, to be honest, you just make do with what you have. Sure there could be things that could have helped keep your baby from crying or given you more comfort but I kept telling myself that my mom didn't have any of these things and we all turned out fine! I would take a friend (who is a mom) to help you register - I had absolutely no idea what I needed or even wanted. Mom's are the best ones to ask but keep in mind that we all have different opinions too!
These aren't really in any particular order..just as they come to mind..
10. Rock 'N Play
So this seems really basic and sort-of weird at first but it was amazing. Shout out to my co-worker Jessica who told me about this gem. Bryce lived in this thing for the first 2 months of his life. Seriously. I never put him in a bassinet - I just put him in this and moved the monitor so I could still see him. I think it made him feel very secure and he also liked to be elevated a little bit. He later developed acid reflux so this helped tremendously. It's so easy to transport - much easier than a pack 'n play - so we took this to my parents house, when we traveled, or just upstairs/downstairs. It was awesome. We didn't use it much past 3 months but it was a life saver nonetheless.
9. SwaddleMe
We tried swaddling with a blanket in the beginning but Bryce first of all didn't like it at all and second, it would unravel and we'd have to keep re-doing it. We stopped swaddling after the first week because he would fight it and it just didn't seem to work. But I kept reading in these blogs that swaddling really helped babies sleep longer at night so I figured I'd try it again. I found this fleece swaddle blanket that made such a big difference in Bryce's sleeping. It has velcrow so it was nearly impossible for him to get out of. We tried swaddling again around 2 months and he started consistently sleeping through the night. I know that it could be a coincidence but I do think it helped him settle down and stay sleeping longer. Also, now that he's not swaddled anymore we just wrap it around his stomach and legs so it acts as a sleep sack. We use sleep sacks too but this is another option.
8. Swing
There are lots of swings out there, I don't know the difference in a lot of them but I know that this one was a.m.a.z.i.n.g. It's a lot bigger than most swings and definitely not portable but it had a lot more movement than the others and Bryce napped in that thing like a champ. He also liked to be in it awake and could look around while I got things done. My mother in law gave this to us and I'm so glad she did!! We used it until Bryce was about 6 months.
7. Video Monitor
This was one of the cheaper monitors (money wise I mean) but it has worked great. We haven't had any problems with it and you can add cameras later for more kids. It's a must-have in my opinion. I just felt so much better having him in his own room knowing that I could see him.
6. Zip-up sleepers
Not to be confused with button-up sleepers. I felt like these were a million times easier. I can't tell you how many times I matched up the buttons wrong and had to start all over or he was wiggling around and couldn't get the dang thing on!! The zip-up sleepers were a must-have for us.
5. Exersaucer
Bryce has had this obsession with jumping since he was literally 3 months old. (Where do you think he gets all of that energy from?!? ;) He loves to jump. This thing we got at a kids consignment shop for about $40 and it was worth every penny. Granted he couldn't stay in it for a long period of time when he was younger because he didn't have the back support but now he still loves to get in it every day and it's great because I can cook dinner while he's playing and I don't worry about what he's getting in to.
4. Butt paste
My sister-in-law told me about this one and the name really threw me off, not to mention the really old school cartoon on the front. However, this stuff is like magic. It wipes out diaper rash literally over night. To me, it works so much better than any of the other ointments (Desitin, Balmex, etc.). It is more expensive but we have had one small tube of it since Bryce was born and I haven't used it all yet (he's 8 months).
3. Breast pump
This is, of course, if you decide to breast feed. This seems obvious but you have to get a good one. They are expensive. Thankfully my other sister-in-law let me borrow hers which saved us a ton of money. I have heard, though, that insurances are now covering breast pumps? Something to look into. When I went back to work part-time I was so anxious about having to pump during the day and I was afraid I was going to lose my milk supply. Thankfully my employer was great about it and my co-workers have been so helpful to make sure I get even just 10 minutes to pump. Don't worry, it's still awkward - just ask my boss. I will spare you the details.
2. Activity gym
This is the exact activity gym we have. I know what you're thinking because I thought the same thing. I'm paying $75 for a little mat with some animals hanging overhead? I'm sorry, what? Yes, I know. It's ridiculous. However, this one is not only absolutely adorable, but he has played on this since he was born and he continues to. Not many toys will last for that long. It was great when he was 2-3 months old and he was starting to focus on things and could bat at the toys. Now he more so tries to pull the animals off but hey, it works. It's really easy to fold up and take with you, too.
1. Sheet saver
A couple of people told me about these and the word "saver" is justified. When you have a diaper explosion in the middle of the night the last thing you want to do is change all of the sheets. Put this bad boy down underneath them and it will make those zombie diaper changes a little bit better. We had 2 or 3 and that was plenty. You can put this in the bassinet or wherever they are sleeping.
It still blows my mind how much stuff you "have to have" to keep this tiny little human being happy. Again, you don't HAVE to have really much of anything but these things can make your life easier. I had no clue what I needed or didn't need and I loved looking at other people's lists so I hope this helps someone! By the way, those sweet tiny human beings are totally worth it and for those new moms it really does get better, I promise!
These are outside the "normal" baby stuff like a Pack 'N Play, stroller, high chair, etc. There are so many things out there it can be so overwhelming. In the end, to be honest, you just make do with what you have. Sure there could be things that could have helped keep your baby from crying or given you more comfort but I kept telling myself that my mom didn't have any of these things and we all turned out fine! I would take a friend (who is a mom) to help you register - I had absolutely no idea what I needed or even wanted. Mom's are the best ones to ask but keep in mind that we all have different opinions too!
These aren't really in any particular order..just as they come to mind..
10. Rock 'N Play
So this seems really basic and sort-of weird at first but it was amazing. Shout out to my co-worker Jessica who told me about this gem. Bryce lived in this thing for the first 2 months of his life. Seriously. I never put him in a bassinet - I just put him in this and moved the monitor so I could still see him. I think it made him feel very secure and he also liked to be elevated a little bit. He later developed acid reflux so this helped tremendously. It's so easy to transport - much easier than a pack 'n play - so we took this to my parents house, when we traveled, or just upstairs/downstairs. It was awesome. We didn't use it much past 3 months but it was a life saver nonetheless.
9. SwaddleMe
We tried swaddling with a blanket in the beginning but Bryce first of all didn't like it at all and second, it would unravel and we'd have to keep re-doing it. We stopped swaddling after the first week because he would fight it and it just didn't seem to work. But I kept reading in these blogs that swaddling really helped babies sleep longer at night so I figured I'd try it again. I found this fleece swaddle blanket that made such a big difference in Bryce's sleeping. It has velcrow so it was nearly impossible for him to get out of. We tried swaddling again around 2 months and he started consistently sleeping through the night. I know that it could be a coincidence but I do think it helped him settle down and stay sleeping longer. Also, now that he's not swaddled anymore we just wrap it around his stomach and legs so it acts as a sleep sack. We use sleep sacks too but this is another option.
8. Swing
There are lots of swings out there, I don't know the difference in a lot of them but I know that this one was a.m.a.z.i.n.g. It's a lot bigger than most swings and definitely not portable but it had a lot more movement than the others and Bryce napped in that thing like a champ. He also liked to be in it awake and could look around while I got things done. My mother in law gave this to us and I'm so glad she did!! We used it until Bryce was about 6 months.
7. Video Monitor
This was one of the cheaper monitors (money wise I mean) but it has worked great. We haven't had any problems with it and you can add cameras later for more kids. It's a must-have in my opinion. I just felt so much better having him in his own room knowing that I could see him.
6. Zip-up sleepers
Not to be confused with button-up sleepers. I felt like these were a million times easier. I can't tell you how many times I matched up the buttons wrong and had to start all over or he was wiggling around and couldn't get the dang thing on!! The zip-up sleepers were a must-have for us.
5. Exersaucer
Bryce has had this obsession with jumping since he was literally 3 months old. (Where do you think he gets all of that energy from?!? ;) He loves to jump. This thing we got at a kids consignment shop for about $40 and it was worth every penny. Granted he couldn't stay in it for a long period of time when he was younger because he didn't have the back support but now he still loves to get in it every day and it's great because I can cook dinner while he's playing and I don't worry about what he's getting in to.
4. Butt paste
My sister-in-law told me about this one and the name really threw me off, not to mention the really old school cartoon on the front. However, this stuff is like magic. It wipes out diaper rash literally over night. To me, it works so much better than any of the other ointments (Desitin, Balmex, etc.). It is more expensive but we have had one small tube of it since Bryce was born and I haven't used it all yet (he's 8 months).
3. Breast pump
This is, of course, if you decide to breast feed. This seems obvious but you have to get a good one. They are expensive. Thankfully my other sister-in-law let me borrow hers which saved us a ton of money. I have heard, though, that insurances are now covering breast pumps? Something to look into. When I went back to work part-time I was so anxious about having to pump during the day and I was afraid I was going to lose my milk supply. Thankfully my employer was great about it and my co-workers have been so helpful to make sure I get even just 10 minutes to pump. Don't worry, it's still awkward - just ask my boss. I will spare you the details.
2. Activity gym
This is the exact activity gym we have. I know what you're thinking because I thought the same thing. I'm paying $75 for a little mat with some animals hanging overhead? I'm sorry, what? Yes, I know. It's ridiculous. However, this one is not only absolutely adorable, but he has played on this since he was born and he continues to. Not many toys will last for that long. It was great when he was 2-3 months old and he was starting to focus on things and could bat at the toys. Now he more so tries to pull the animals off but hey, it works. It's really easy to fold up and take with you, too.
1. Sheet saver
A couple of people told me about these and the word "saver" is justified. When you have a diaper explosion in the middle of the night the last thing you want to do is change all of the sheets. Put this bad boy down underneath them and it will make those zombie diaper changes a little bit better. We had 2 or 3 and that was plenty. You can put this in the bassinet or wherever they are sleeping.
It still blows my mind how much stuff you "have to have" to keep this tiny little human being happy. Again, you don't HAVE to have really much of anything but these things can make your life easier. I had no clue what I needed or didn't need and I loved looking at other people's lists so I hope this helps someone! By the way, those sweet tiny human beings are totally worth it and for those new moms it really does get better, I promise!
Monday, July 8, 2013
Bryce's first beach trip!
This wasn't technically Bryce's first beach trip..we took him over memorial day with our good friends but we didn't actually make it to the beach because it was still cold - we just hung out at their beautiful house and pool!!
So this time we were excited to let him see the ocean and feel the sand. Every year my family goes to Myrtle Beach. We usually can only go for a couple of days due to working but this year we were able to go for the whole week and it was great! It definitely wasn't our typical lazy week doing nothing but eating and lounging - due to having an 8 month old :) But we loved it nonetheless. I was stressed that Bryce wouldn't sleep well and would be all off schedule but he did great! He woke up a little earlier than normal but overall he really adjusted well. The first day he wasn't too sure about the wind and how hot it was but the next couple of days he liked putting his feet in the sand and feeling the water. We put him in the pool and he liked floating around.
The only tips I would give after going would be - don't have high expectations for a baby at the beach! He really couldn't stay out too long and wasn't keen on taking a nap on the beach. I think he maybe would have if he was younger but he's used to sleeping in his crib/pack 'n play and didn't get what we were trying to do when we would lay him down! He's so much more aware of his surroundings now, so like I said maybe if he was younger he would have slept out on the beach. We were across the street from the beach so it wasn't hard to just walk back with him and put him down. We did get a little pool to put on the beach but it really wasn't worth the effort to set it up for the 30 minutes he was out there a day. We will still use it when he's older. I'm really glad we had hats for him and lots of sunscreen! He didn't seem to mind either one. I tried to just not worry about his schedule and just go with the flow, but that's hard for me. I get stressed easily so try to just relax and enjoy the vacation!
Until next year!
So this time we were excited to let him see the ocean and feel the sand. Every year my family goes to Myrtle Beach. We usually can only go for a couple of days due to working but this year we were able to go for the whole week and it was great! It definitely wasn't our typical lazy week doing nothing but eating and lounging - due to having an 8 month old :) But we loved it nonetheless. I was stressed that Bryce wouldn't sleep well and would be all off schedule but he did great! He woke up a little earlier than normal but overall he really adjusted well. The first day he wasn't too sure about the wind and how hot it was but the next couple of days he liked putting his feet in the sand and feeling the water. We put him in the pool and he liked floating around.
We shopped, ate, hung out at the pool, ate some more and just
enjoyed being with family! It was great to have so many people around to help with him. We are spoiled to have so many people around that love Bryce so much!
The only tips I would give after going would be - don't have high expectations for a baby at the beach! He really couldn't stay out too long and wasn't keen on taking a nap on the beach. I think he maybe would have if he was younger but he's used to sleeping in his crib/pack 'n play and didn't get what we were trying to do when we would lay him down! He's so much more aware of his surroundings now, so like I said maybe if he was younger he would have slept out on the beach. We were across the street from the beach so it wasn't hard to just walk back with him and put him down. We did get a little pool to put on the beach but it really wasn't worth the effort to set it up for the 30 minutes he was out there a day. We will still use it when he's older. I'm really glad we had hats for him and lots of sunscreen! He didn't seem to mind either one. I tried to just not worry about his schedule and just go with the flow, but that's hard for me. I get stressed easily so try to just relax and enjoy the vacation!
Until next year!
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